Archive for June, 2012

This is the “Technology Use” part of the survey I posted earlier in this blog. I would like to mention, in case you did not read the previous post, that survey was conducted for a Forum by contribution of 594 students and the help of colleagues from 12 different English Preparatory Schools of both private and state universities in Turkey. You may find the list of universities below.

Here are the questions and my comments. There are five answers “Never True, Rarely True, Sometimes True, Mostly True, Always True”. Mostly and Always True will be considered as “Yes” and I will Comment accordingly. Data below is processed by SPSS.

Majority of our students like to spend or create time to be with computers or smart phones. I had no doubt about that but the question is “are they using it to entertain or to do something to improve their language?” and that question takes us to the next statement (2). What we can do as teachers is to guide students to use computer to assist their learning process. I am not trying to say that they must go and learn “about” English. Teachers must direct or lead them to opportunities that will make them practice the language even when they are playing PC games. Prep. Students say they try to operate their devices in English whereas they are not really into using forum, comment or download web sites in English. I know and try to be one of the people who use English forums to find an answer to my problems as this is on a global scale rather than local and includes many different solutions. What’s interesting in the results of Statement 5, they do know that English will help them reach more info and the rate is really high (68%). But despite this fact they don’t seem to prefer forums in English.

Computer is a natural interaction device, natural because people interact and make mistakes but not scored or judged afterwards just like a child learning. The last statement tells us that students are highly aware of the importance of devices in learning English, if that is the case why should not we integrate computers, tablets, smartphones or any other device into our lessons. There has been a debate in one of the blogs about the use of smartphones in class and it is surprising to see that some teachers object the idea of using it but as I saw the main concern is the abuse of them which I believe is the same for any kind of materials including course books.

What I always say is that virtual world should be used to create opportunities to use the language in real time environment rather than putting computer in teacher’s place when he is there.

Universities that contributed to the survey.

Bahçeşehir University
Doğuş University
Eastern Mediterranean University / Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi
Eskişehir Osmangazi UniversityHacettepe University
Izmir University of Economics / İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi
İstanbul Aydın University
Koç University
Özyeğin University
Pamukkale University
Sabancı University
Yaşar University


(If you don’t like reading, just watch the video above)

We all accept the fact that language learning process is not only about boring students with tenses, topic sentences, skimming/scanning… Teaching is creating difference in students’ lives and we all look for ways to do it. Teaching “about” English can lead a horse to water but does not make him drink. Technology provides a great virtual world for learners of today.

Virtual world of today can help you become a Rockstar! Many songs have been composed on how cool it is to become a rockstar. Now as an ordinary person it is your turn to become one. You can be drummer, lead or bass guitarist or even the vocal.

With this opportunity in hand I took my students to a Guitar Hero Café where we had access to Guitars, Drums and Microphone. All of my students played Guitar Hero for the first time and this made me a little anxious as I was worried about the outcome. I was expecting to be there for about an hour but we spent two and a half hours and got out because there was no air condition inside. My students said they really enjoyed it and are now sending me messages saying they want to do it again soon. It also improved cooperation between students, two people shared sticks for drums and other two shared Fret buttons and Strum bar of guitars and this allows 7/8 people to play and sing together. The best thing about this is that you are not teaching something directly but creating an awareness of language. Do I have to mention that you turn out to be a cool teacher?

Try to introduce the songs before you go (if you have the chance).
Don’t direct but lead.
Give them time to practice and learn.
Don’t expect the best of them.
Let them enjoy and want to do it again.

Watch this if you are into Videogames.