Hey teacher! Are you Digitally Literate?

Posted: October 31, 2013 in Uncategorized
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You think you are literate in this digital age just because you attended school or graduated from university, probably with an MA or PhD… ? Literacy used to mean simply “being able to read and write” but as time has passed, this definition has been redefined with many additions like “being able to read and write at a level to be successful in today’s world and also being proficient at math, knowing how to use technology, and knowing how to solve problems and make decisions” (Kent.edu)

The question is:
Are you “digitally literate”?

Can you READ in digital? Meaning can you operate technological devices, use software for your own convenience, and use web based applications… Most probably “YES”.

But can you WRITE in digital? I am not asking if you can create files and folders and edit online ready-made web pages. Be honest, heating a frozen meal you bought from supermarket does not make you a cook. Let’s face it we are DIGITAL READERs.

But don’t worry, your kids will be Digitally Literate. They will click, tap, touch tablets and computers before they touch pen and paper. Games will teach them how to write virtual codes to understand the notion of coding. Have a look at the links below which aim to teach people especially kids to write codes.

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Where is English Language teaching in that?
1. Changing role of teacher in digital age. Teachers will prepare their own apps, web pages and maybe even software.
2. Materials are so great that we ,teachers, might want to integrate into their own materials. There are great examples of instant feedback and direct manipulation (which is a coming blog post)
3. The role of the teacher is changing, more roles will be added while some existing ones disappear.
4. Knowing how the programming works, you will be able to support aid to develop digital materials.

You can click on the link to get a Digital Literacy Certificate by Microsoft and learn your digital literacy level.

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Watch how Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Will-i-am and others support Digital Literacy.

You can visit following web sites to play programming games or you can have your kids play.
http://www.code.org (Khan Academy)
https://webmaker.org (https://webmaker.org/en-US/teach) (Mozilla)

Applications: RoboLogic ,(iOS, ), Light-Bot (iOS, Android)

You might want to see these as well.

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