
  1. Charls says:

    I have to say, I am in complete agreement with regard to students helping their teachers out. It is also a fantastic “real world” speaking opportunity.

    That said, I have to admit that when it comes to tech in the classroom, I just don’t. Not because I fear it, I consider myself to be a digital native, but because I am lazy. What advice would you offer us, the lazy teachers?

    • Technology4Teachers says:

      Thanks Charls for your comment and question.
      Regarding your question: You don’t have to use technology! as long as you create an effective learning environment. Technology is just a means to make things more interesting and even gives the lazy teacher a break. Just let students interact with technology while using target language. That’ll do… 🙂

  2. Hakan says:

    Hey Dude! Here I am at last. Nice blog.It’s true that most stereotype teachers view technology as a challenge. I think they’re afraid to lose face by making a funny mistake among their students. They will go on living in their castles and communicating with others through ravens as their ancestors did in the middle ages.

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